Techniques Involved In 3D Modeling Services

Simply speaking 3D modeling is a technique through which a design model is created that is further illustrated with specialized lighting. The taken images are finally processed over 3D software on computers. This is a very simple and a basic explanation of the entire process for the benefit of general people with not much knowledge in the domain. However the process happens to be more intricate than what general readers might make out of it. Several modeling techniques are applied to generate different final images. Let us take a look at them.

Digital sculpting

Digital sculpting is a recent approach in the domain of 3D modeling services. The process has been designed on the pattern of clay modeling the way it is done in the real world. This technique has opened new alleys for the 3D artists who now have a more enhanced platform for creativity which is much less hindered by the constraints of the 3D software.

Boolean modeling

The Boolean modeling is a process that aims to create the geometry of an object. Experts of 3D modeling services like Panoramcgi make an ardent use of this pattern. However, this pattern is not much popular in the entertainment industry. Nevertheless several other industries across the world make use of this technique. In this method two objects are used to create a separate, third and a completely new entity. This is done either by joining both the elements, or cutting one out of the other or through the use of the negative space between them.

Laser scanning

The technique of laser scanning is a new addition in the domain of 3D rendering. In this technique a real item is laser scanned that result into a digital representation of element. This is a highly fast and simple process. However some cleaning of the geometry might be required before the actual usage.

Box modeling

Box modeling is a popular 3D modeling technique that is used to create some very basic shapes. The cube happens to be the starting point in this technique. The artist then creates hands, legs, fingers from the box itself. The shape is further refined through the addition of different other features.

SubD modeling

The form is known as subdivision modeling which is probably the most popular method applied in the domain of 3D modeling. This is a highly scalable process where the final images have a highly impressive look soon after the completion of the rendering process.

NURBS Modeling

This is a 3D modeling process which is mainly based on mathematical geometric representation. This technique can be used to create very smooth curves and great round shapes. However this process also has its inherent shortcomings and limitations.

Basic pattern followed in 3D modeling

Although there are different techniques of 3D modeling and it can be done in different ways by different artists yet a basic framework is followed by all the artists. The cycle begins with the artist interpreting the vision of the client. Next a 3D model is created with use o different materials like wood, clay, glass, fabric etc. Following this artist optimizes and refines the 3D models. The digital assets are managed to create the final image.

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